
Know About The 4cs Diamond

If you are planning on buying a diamond for your girl then you should be well aware about the 4cs of diamond. Learn lab made diamonds and there characteristics to be able to select the best diamond. It is very important for you to select the best diamond so that you are able to please your girl. When you are proposing your girl it is very important for you to ensure that you are able to provide her the best ring that she has been dreaming of all this while. The 4cs are described in details in this article.

  1. Cut

It is to be remembered that out if all the 4cs diamond, the cut of a diamond has more effect on its beauty than any other element. This makes it very important for you as a buyer to be well aware about the cut of the diamond that you are selecting for your wife. It will be much better if you are able to pay a bit extra for the cut of your diamond. A precise cut makes it all the more attractive to the buyers. Therefore, look out for a certificate that will help in ensuring that you’ve got the best cut.

  1. Color

Diamonds can be found in many colors. However it is very important for you to select the color very carefully. Diamonds can either be found in colorless or in lighter shades like brown or yellow. The color you want to go for totally depends upon your choice. However it is very important for you to note that colorless diamonds are very rare so even if you are able to find it is going to be very expensive. However if price is not a factor for you then you should always go for the colorless one.

  1. Carat

Carat is the physical weight of the diamond. It is very important for you to go for a bigger carat. Carat is always measured in metrics. The weight of one carat diamond is 1/5 gram. Do ensure that you are going for a beggar carrot only if your girl likes it. It is your responsibility to be well aware about the kind of ring that your girl is expecting from you. You can go for a better carat diamond by just paying something extra. Therefore, make sure that you are going for the best carat.

  1. Clarity

Diamonds have internal qualities as well as external qualities which needs to be taken into consideration. A flawless diamond is only a diamond which has no floor and all. These laws might include some cracks or  other impurities. It is very important for you to ensure that the diamond that you are chosen comes along with a gemological Institute of America certification. This will help you to know the clarity of the diamond. It is very important to be noted that the clarity of the diamond cannot be seen with naked eye but only with some instruments that can be easily found in a jewelry shop.