
Mini-eco – what is it?

In-vitro fertilization has been working successfully for more than 30 years, helping millions of couples around the world become parents when it cannot be done naturally. It was not until 2006 that scientists convened an international congress dedicated to IVF. At it, it was proposed to minimize the stimulation of the lady’s body if it was not necessary.

This was made possible by the development to improve the quality of embryo cultivation and reduce the number of procedures and, consequently, the cost and time of IVF.

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It was after this congress that the decision was made to use the so-called mini-ECO procedure. The method implies egg retrieval from a woman within her natural cycle or with minimal stimulation of their production, if it is possible in each particular case.

Like any other treatment method, mini-ECO has pros and cons.


There are undoubted advantages of such a procedure for women, because the interference with the natural processes of the body is minimized. As a consequence, the possibility of side effects due to excessive stimulation is reduced or eliminated, and the body is under much less strain.

Moreover, mini-EKO allows performing the next cycle in a month, while the classic procedure requires the organism to rest and recover after the puncture.

Thanks to preservation of natural rhythm of woman’s organism there is higher probability that the pregnancy will develop – about 30-35% of cycles are successful from the very first. A full IVF cycle does not produce this result.

And, of course, mini-IVF is more affordable due to the minimal interference in the body and taking a small number of drugs.


As part of the procedure, a small number of eggs are taken from a woman for further fertilization, but sometimes there are cases when not even one can be taken.

If only 1-2 cells can be taken, it is necessary to conduct a full examination of these cells to make sure of their quality, and this increases the cost of the procedure. And because of the small number of eggs collected, sometimes there is no way to freeze them for future use.

Another disadvantage is that this procedure is not suitable for everyone, and it does not depend on the patients’ wishes, but on the tests and causes of infertility.

Who is it suitable for?

Mini IVF is often performed on women with a small reserve of eggs or if their ovaries are producing too many. The method is also used for those who, for whatever reason, cannot take serious hormonal medications.

If you have already undergone an IVF cycle and were able to take several cells after stimulation (up to 5 cells), this is a good reason to try using mini-ECO.

Whether you need mini-ERF, or a full IVF cycle can only be decided by your doctor, because this choice depends on your hormonal status, ovaries, medical history, test results and many other things. However, already now mini-COF allows many women to obtain the happiness of motherhood in a much easier and more natural way than the classic IVF.